Assist Travel and Transport


Assistance with Travel and Transport

Travel and Transport is an important service provided by the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to help people with disabilities access transportation services. This service is intended to help NDIS members obtain important services and participate in their communities.

Accessing travel and transport services is a straightforward process for NDIS members. They can request this service through their NDIS plan after discussing their transportation requirements with their support coordinator or NDIS planner. Alternatively, they can look for registered providers of this service on the NDIS provider site or by calling the NDIS contact centre.

The NDIS commits to cover “reasonable and necessary” transportation assistance, and participants must use the least expensive mode of transportation available to them. When it comes to transportation support, the NDIS categories overlap. For example, Assistance with Social and Community Participation pays the cost of transportation for social and community activities such as visiting to the library or attending a public event. Meanwhile, Improved Daily Living provides the transportation that participants require in order to increase their independence.

Examples of Assistance with Travel and Transport Support

We provide a convenient transport service that can be scheduled in advance and includes, but is not limited to:

  • Transport to visit friends and family
  • Transportation to medical appointments
  • Transport for attending therapy sessions
  • Transport to and from work or vocational training
  • Access to community activities and events
  • Access to sporting and recreational activities
  • Transport for attending school or educational programs
  • Access to adapted vehicles or modifications to personal vehicles